Sunday, June 27, 2010

6/27 veggie update

We get a pea harvest about this size every 3 or 4 days now. The Yugoslavian red lettuce bolted so we removed just enough for this weekend's burgers as the final harvest. Now that we know what we are looking for we can ID many more pepper buds in our garden. We'll have zucchini in under 2 weeks - these grow so, so fast.

6/27 flower update

Oh daisies!! I love your foliage when you aren't in bloom and this week your flowers impressed me big time. You are not like my bachelor buttons whose color is a welcome addition to my garden but overall effect is disappointing. I know I planted them too close together but I also don't like the flower itself and the height. Really the mix of colors is all that's going for it. Ah well, it's an annual so it won't be back. Also the japanese primrose continues to look like it's from another planet.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6/20 update

Peas were harvested officially. Another pepper has been sighted. The arugula bolted so I dug it up and planted pickling cucumber bushes in its place. I also planted regular (burpless) cucumbers where lettuce isn't growing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

6/19 highlights

We enjoyed 2 full salads - a mix of 2 kinds of lettuce and arugula. The daisy buds are opening. Arugula is starting to bolt. A mysterious bush near our fence is starting to flower. Our first hot pepper is super cute.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

flowers 6/12

The butterfly bush had some really impressive color this week and I think we see the first sunflowers poking through the ground.

veggies 6/12

The peas remain our favorites to observe but all the veggies continue to progress nicely.


The time has come to begin harvesting our small crop of lettuce. We tasted the speckled variety today (Forellenschuss). It wasn't anything special - kind of odd to have such flat and smooth leaves. Still, we enjoy the satisfaction that we grew this ourselves, from seed, and we made them a part of a chicken salad sandwich on homemade bread. The rest will be mixed in with some store bought lettuce to make a salad later in the week. . . .unless we decide to harvest another type in a day or two. We'll have to check the google calendar to see what is "ready".